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2024 Season Registrations

By EBA 05/22/2024, 6:15am CDT

DAY BALL (Grades PreK-2nd) starts the week of June 10 and there are a few spots still available, if interested email Click here to learn more about this June/July morning program. 

LATE SUMMER LEAGUE (Grades K-7) registration closes June 14 (or when full). 
Click here to register. 
Grades K/1 season is August 5 - September 26, 2024.
Grades 2/3/4/5 season is August 5 - September 29, 2024
Grades 6/7 season is  August 12 - September 22, 2024.

Teams play two times per week. Before Labor Day, teams will play Monday-Thursday. After that, teams will play once during the week and once on the weekend. 

There will be a mini-tournament at the end of the season for grades 2-7.

The teams play at a variety of smaller fields that include Cornelia, Countryside, Courtney, Normandale, Rosland, York. 

Team are organized based on schools and play-with requests when possible. 

Teams are led by a Parent Coaches - please consider coaching. 

Click here for further details. 

Be an EBA Sponsor

By EBA 01/21/2024, 7:45am CST

If you have a company/organization that would be interested in being and EBA sponsor, please contact info@edinabaseball.comClick here for Sponsorship details. 


Edina Baseball Association
%Edina Park & Rec
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424

Thank you to the City of Edina's Park and Recreation Department and the Edina School District. They are an integral part of working with the Edina Baseball Association to provide youth baseball opportunities to the community of Edina. The EBA thanks both organizations for their continued help in achieving our goals.

About the EBA

